PayForm prides itself on providing a high-quality online payment platform that is free of charge. We believe in transparency and are committed to keeping our users informed about any costs they may incur when using our services.
While the use of our platform is free, we do apply certain fees for the transactions made through our system. These fees are necessary to cover the operational costs of processing payments and to ensure the sustainability and improvement of our services. These fees apply even if the underlying transaction is cancelled or refunded.
When a transaction takes place through our system, we incur costs related to processing, administration, and maintenance. These costs apply even when a transaction is later cancelled or refunded. Therefore, our policy is that these fees are non-refundable. This means that, while the amount of the transaction itself may be refunded, the transaction fees collected by PayForm are not eligible for refund under any circumstances.
Before processing any transactions through our platform, we encourage you to understand the fee structure associated with our services. By using our platform, you acknowledge and agree to this refund policy.
Our commitment is to make the process of online payments as simple and efficient as possible, and we use the fees collected to maintain our platform, ensure security, improve our services, and keep our platform accessible to all users.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with respect to our refund policy. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to help and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and customer service.
Last Updated: August 1st, 2023